Well, another incredible animation that deserve his place in the madness community, you have a remarquable smooth movements, fluide, just like almost krinkels level. there still some stuff to add such as new ideas ways to kill, they was all good especially hand fight, sadly i found weps duh, classic way to kill simply firing is too much used, but there still somme stuff with that i like, and you do all the necessary details (bloodsplash, flashfire, bullets/spells idk forgot the name of. the Story isnt creative too, revive someone is being now classic too, too much people are doing this now. i hope that you're gonna doing a sequel because they reviews about the animation, but no one for the sotry that cant be explained will all this mystery such as the who revived him ? and what he will do next ? he now a sort of teamkiller in service of the one who revived him ? well, im impatient to know. overall, i have nothing more to say about the animation, and getting more creative kills will probably be more enjoyable to watch.