A Okay, So the Awnser was...
A Fucking Grapplegun <3
No one got it right, Because i probably did it bad as i told in some comments responds...
Well, Yep, About 20 Days left for Madness Day !
Sadly, Many Projects we're Lost or Abbandonned, So im not as much Excited as 2013 or 2012...
But there is still things im waiting for, such as...
- Funny thing from Barschy, (maybe ? :O)
- Also some futurist chinese stuff (lolwat) from Core Animation
- Sequel of Project REALM (M3KYR)
- Zombie Compilation Hosted by Eshio (maybe ill be in on time?)
- Mysterious Power Scrublord (idk) from Gibbie51
And probably others, but i won't list em all, hue hue hue hue
U fkcng fgt u don't knew huw to draw 111!!!1
I love u