No News About me, Here is an I Don't know if i will finish this Madness Movie.
Here is an Picture With Some Maternal Details And The Animation IN PROGRESS Click here...
Named Actually Runification, Run Ification, not hard :p
Here is the story :
The WRONG GUY Saved by Sanford and Deimos in INCIDENT:100A Got the order to Kill
Everyone in An Base (he will probably have a name :D) But Everything has been reversed And Not
Enough Experimented to complete this Mission, At Least he will Run All the time :p
1337 Are the hunter and the Runner Guy is the Bunny. Ermm. yep,
I Have an Problem with the song fe25b8d8e64b990ed87d
If Someone know how to make the sound not stoping when it restart to 0 frames tell me D:
And i also need Some Good Sprites with more flash gun and explosion...
I Will credit you as an Programming or Sound.
delected picture, i changed it to an preview of my new pic :D