Just in case if you have one of the following problems :
- Too Lazy/Busy
- Do not own a sprites sheet including backgrounds or because it's lacks in contents
- Do not own a organizated sprites sheet
- you fucking love kenamii
So, here i present you.... the Architect Sprite Pack which is free and i don't give a fuck about credits ! This sprites's content is based out of Nexus, Incidents, and the original series. this one will simplify your life (or not) for making secondary plans, additional objets and such !
EDIT : the link redirect to the Version 1.2 (03/12/2016)
and also i did my character v4
I don't have that fourth problem so that means I can't download them ?
Ps: It doesn't to a surprise that it's a problem to love u xD
oh, nah, you only need 1 out of 4 minimum of what it's required.
and now i'm sad af